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Welcome to Oakwood Summit

We specialize in customized retirement plan design, consulting, and administration of 401(k)’s and cash balance plans


We design our cash balance plans to integrate with a business’s existing 401(k) to maximize contributions, tax savings, and benefits to owners


Man at Work

What is a Cash Balance Plan

Cash balance plans, also known as "hybrid" plans, combine the high contribution limits of traditional defined benefit plans with a business's existing 401(k) plan. These types of plans can be an ideal solution for business owners seeking to potentially deduct six figures in taxes annually and potentially add seven figures to their retirement savings in 5 – 10 years. At retirement, cash balance plan assets can be converted into a guaranteed perpetual retirement income stream to replace your compensation. 

Ideal Candidates

Owner Profile

  • Owner Looking for More Tax Deductions

  • Salary $250,000+

  • Want to Make Six Figure Contributions into Business Retirement Plan

  • Companies with Consistent Profitability

  • Family Businesses & Closely Held Businesses

  • Older Owners who Need to Catch Up on Retirement Savings


A 50-year-old business owner could contribute $250,000 to his retirement plans*

A 55-year-old professional could contribute $300,000 to her retirement plans*


*Assuming a 45% tax bracket of combined Federal and state taxes.

Business Profile

  • Physicians

  • Dentists

  • Attorneys

  • CPA

  • Engineer

  • Farmer

  • Independent Contractor

  • Financial Advisor

  • Insurance Agent

  • Franchisees

  • Real Estate Professional

  • Mortgage Broker

  • Marketing Services

Projected Cash Balance
Account Value

Owner 1 : $3,352,505

Owner 2 : $3,193,206

Owner 3 : $2,298,738

Owner 4 : $3,210,918

Projected Cash Balance Plan
Annual Benefit

Owner 1: $276,778

Owner2 : $226,180

Owner 3 : $238,626

Owner 4 : $232,188

Assumptions used for projection:

3% pre-retirement ; G94 - 1994 Group Annuity Reserving Proj 2002, Scale AA (unisex) at 3% post-retirement ; 0% salary increase

*Assuming a 40% tax rate; taxes are deferred only.

Plan designs are for illustration purposes ONLY. Contribution amounts are subject to change based on final year-end census data.

If company is a Corporation, an S-Corporation or an LLC taxed as a corporation, owner(s) compensation listed above must be reported on Form W-2

Percent of Contribution to Owners : 88%

Cash Balance Plan Benefits

Reducing Taxes

Business owners can save significantly on corporate and personal taxes


Accelerating Retirement Savings

Many owners can double or even triple their pre-tax retirement savings


Attracting and Retaining Top Talent

Adding a Cash Balance plan can make a firm’s retirement package much more appealing to future partners and employees


Easy to Understand

Unlike traditionally complex defined benefit plans, Cash Balance plans offer clarity with individual participant accounts and statements


Not everyone needs to participate in a Cash Balance plan. Different contribution amounts can be specified for different participants or groups.  Almost all business entity types and sizes can adopt a plan



Participants can roll over their Cash Balance accounts into an IRA or another qualified plan


Asset Protection

Cash Balance plan assets are protected from creditors in the event of bankruptcy or lawsuits

Ready to Learn How a Cash Balance Plan Could Benefit Your Firm?

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