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Our Company

Oakwood Summit was built on the foundation of purpose driven work, clear execution of vision and a shared belief for making a difference. Each member of our team and extended team works together as a cohesive unit to ensure we take care of our clients, their families and businesses for generations to come. 


Our number one priority is to take care of our clients as if they were our own family. Nothing is more important in this life than taking care of your family and those you love and care about. 


Our clients trust us to ensure their financial future is strong - our mission is to help make that future even stronger.

Meeting Room

Our Values

We promise to be honest with you. It’s simple and may even sound mundane. But in an industry overrun with confusing jargon, fancy brochures and commissioned salespeople, we’re here to deliver it to you straight.

You deserve to know how much you should expect in income and benefits from your business retirement plan. We promise to be transparent about the pension plan design benefits and costs before implementing any plan. 

We will never claim that a cash balance plan is right for every business. Every cash balance plan we design and implement goes through the same vetting process with each owner and thier unique situation.

Honest Guidance
Honesty is the foundation of our recommendations. We don’t pretend pension plans are a good fit for all businesses – because that isn’t the truth. Our expertise and ethics drive our recommendations, not our bottom line.

Best Interest

We work with you, and we take that responsibility seriously. No company incentives or compensation can change our principles.

Our Process

Our firm is focused on designing cash balance plans to help owners navigate 3 stages of wealth;

wealth accumulation, wealth distribution, and wealth transfer.


Wealth Accumulation

Contributions into the cash balance plan are focused on maximizing retirement contributions and tax savings for business owners.


Wealth Distribution

When owners are ready to start distributions we utilize the cash balance plan to create a perpetual retirement income stream for owners. 


Wealth Transfer

Wealth tranfer strategies are utilized to tax efficiently pass on the value from the cash balance plan to the next generation.

Ready to Learn How a Cash Balance Plan Could Benefit Your Firm?

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